Our Services
Learn to Skate - Age 3 & up
Sunday at 11:15 am and 12:15 pm
Wednesday at 6:15 pm
Hockey Skills & Drills
Beginner - Thursday at 6:15 pm
Intermediate - Wednesday at 7:15
Private & Adult Lessons
Thursday at 7:15
Important Information
Everyone must wear a CSA approved helmet with face shield.
All children registering in any of the puck control sessions must be able to skate backwards & wear full hockey equipment.
Children must be at least 3 years of age on or before the first day of the session (no exceptions).
All classes go straight through, we do not break for holidays
Confirmations/receipts are sent out by email within a week of receiving the registration with payment. Please ensure that premierskating@rogers.com is on your safe senders list.
If you are sending your young child to the desk to get their ticket, please ensure they have their helmet with them. Sometimes we may not be able to hear or understand them, if they have their helmet with a name label attached, it can help the check-in process.
Parents are asked to stay in the arena during classes for washroom breaks or other issues.
Please do not try and get the instructors or your child’s attention during class as this pulls the instructor away and leaves the rest of the group unsupervised. Please speak to staff at the front desk if you have an urgent message and we will ensure the message gets to the appropriate person
Classes are grouped by skill level so unfortunately we are unable to guarantee that children will be in the same groups as their friends, siblings etc.
Certificates are given out to each student on the last day of that session. The student must be in attendance to receive it as this is the only day it will be available. If you can, you can arrange to have someone pick it up on the last day.